Instant English
currently under internal development - coming soon!
Learn English phrases by listening and repeating common phrases - and receive immediate feedback about your match. Instant English uses the SpeechMatch core engine used for matching speech to help share your conversational skills.
A few years ago Bob had a colleague who spoke fluent Mandarin, and so we input several common “tourist phrases” in to the SpeechMatch program, just for the fun of it. Much to our surprise, they were very quickly able to speak those phrases, almost perfectly. Within a few trials we were able to match the volume, pitch, and rhythm of the reference phrases in Mandarin, a language which, on the surface, seemed difficult to get right.
That experience lead us to consider that those interested in learning another language, such as English, could use SpeechMatch for efficient language learning. While other language programs might inform you whether you got it right or not (a kind of “light-bulb” on or off approach to feedback), SpeechMatch Instant English tells the learner “exactly” how to say a phrase perfectly. Through a behavioral shaping process known as “Errorless Modeling” SpeechMatch Instant English provides a path to really “getting it right.”